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حماية الشخصيات الهامة والتخطيط لها


The primary objective of the "Executive / VIP Protection & Planning" program is to provide the attendees with an understanding of how to prevent and lessen the likelihood of a criminal or terrorist attack against themselves, their family, or those they provide protective services to. Sophisticated criminal or terrorist attacks are always difficult to detect or predict. They often appear to be committed without any warning or reason by individuals who just happen to act on a target of opportunity. In reality, quite often these acts of terrorism or criminal activity are well planned. They are more often carried out by intelligent, calculating individuals. They may be committed to a cause and strongly believe the use of violence or kidnapping is morally justified to accomplish their goals. They may target a business or government representative for monetary gain or simply due to the citizenship that the individual holds.

This forty hour program is designed to inform personal protection personnel, and individuals who due to their position, financial status, life style or popularity may become targets of terrorist or criminal elements. Attendees will become familiar with how these groups select their targets. The planning and preparation of their attacks will also be discussed. Participants who provide protection will learn what is expected of them to protect their clients. Executives/VIP's will learn how to protect and increase the security awareness for themselves, their businesses, and families. Recognizing surveillance/targeting techniques and what action to take if you suspect you or your business may be a target will also be addressed.

الخطوط العريضة



      Introduction To Terrorism
        Define Terrorism
        Perspective of Terrorism
        Motivations of Groups

        Organizational Techniques & Structure
        Methods of Attack
        Causes of Assassination
        Determining the Threat
        Assessing Personal Vulnerabilities
        Kidnapping Prevention & Hostage Survival
        Reasons for Hostage Taking
        Categories of Hostage Takers
        Stockholm Syndrome
        Personal Contingency Planning
        Actions During Capture
       Actions When Rescued or Released
        Cooperating With Authorities

                DAY TWO

      Individual Protective Measures
        Lowering Your Profile
        Residential Security
        Hotel Security
        Workplace Security
        Family Security
        Vehicle Security
        Motorcade Travel
        Commercial Travel
       Introduction to Counter-Surveillance
        What is it?
        Who Does it?
        How is it Done?
        How to Detect Surveillance?
        How to React to Recognized Surveillance?
        Route Reconnaissance


                DAY THREE

      Principles of Protection
        Protective Security Teams
        Protectee Briefing Points
        Purpose of Protection Detail
        Concentric Rings of Security
        Duties & Responsibilities
        Organizational Concept
        Agent in Charge Responsibilities
        Shift Leader Responsibilities  

        Site Approach Considerations
        External Considerations
        Internal Considerations
        Security Considerations
        Office Buildings
        Ballrooms & Auditoriums

        Motorcades & Routes
        Site Survey
        Overseas Advances


                DAY FOUR

      Communications & Command Post Operations
        Command Post Requirements
        Administrative Supplies
        Log Books/Records
        Dealing with Confrontations
        Violence in the Workplace
        Dealing with the Media
        Bomb Threats & Recognition
        Types of Bombs
        Safety Precautions
        Bomb Threat Planning
        Bomb Search



       Radio Communications

        Advance Procedures
        Planning/ Policy
        personal security

        Priority of engagement



من ينبغى أن يحضر


This informative five day course is designed for supervisory personnel charged with protection responsibilities such as Military Close Quarter detailees, Law Enforcement

 Team Leaders and Personal Protection Detail Supervisors. Government Officials, Corporate Executives, High Profile Persons, High Risk Personnel and their families who are likely targets of terrorist or criminal elements should also attend. It will assist them in assessing their vulnerabilities and taking immediate action to lower their visibility profiles thus limiting their risk. Executive/VIP's who travel frequently throughout the US or overseas and wish to reduce the likelihood of becoming a target should attend. The law enforcement officer, protection specialist, business leader, popular personality or government employee who wishes to increase his/her business and families' safety should also attend this course. They should also strongly consider having adult family members attend the course with them.


5 أيام

تاريخ البداية تاريخ النهاية الدولة المدينة

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